Transport Services

A&V Security provides a 24-hour transport service, seven days a week. Below is a list of transport services offered by A&V Security.

Blood Product and Component Transport

A&V Security has the right components and vehicles for blood transportation.

Blood products and components are stored at certain temperatures and are required to be kept at the same temperature.

Special Transportation Boxes

Our cardboard boxes are lined with thermal insulation and packed with the correct arrangement of frozen and chilled coolant packs.

We use these boxes, insulation, and packs so we can maintain a consistent temperature throughout the journey. Blood components transported by A&V Security include:

  • Red cells
  • Platelets
  • Frozen plasma components
  • Fractionated blood products

Boxes Specialists

The transport boxes have been validated for various times and environmental temperatures relevant to the current weather.

Our validations ensure the contents of the boxes are moderated at the correct temperatures for the duration of the journey.

Patient Transport Services

A & V Security can offer non-emergency transport service for patients to and from pre-arranged appointments at hospitals or other medical facilities.
Examples of non-emergency patient transport include:

  • Discharges from hospital to home
  • Inter-hospital transfers from a major hospital to a minor hospital
  • Transports to and from nursing homes for appointments or placement
  • Transports to and from specialist and diagnostic centres
  • Patients requiring day treatment

Patient Transport Service vehicles are not equipped with medical equipment, monitoring devices, or medical drugs.

Pharmaceutical Transport

A&V Security’s fleet are equipped to transport medical supplies between pharmacies, hospital, and medical clinics.

A & V Security has the capability to transport medical documents such as:

  • X-Rays
  • Medical Records
  • Medical Documents

Medicine Transport Services

A&V Security offers safe and secure medicine transport services to and from medical institutes.
Examples of medicine transport include:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Vaccines
  • Laboratory tests

Our vehicles are configured to secure medical devices and medicines, ensuring your medicines are transported safely and securely.

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